Games that pushed their Hardwares to the limit

It has been 12 years since the the Sega Dreamcast officially started the 128-bit generation
of gaming. Looking at the past generation, the following games have been confirmed as to maximized or pushed their respective consoles to the very limits of its performance:

Sega Saturn - Virtua Fighter 2, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Dead or Alive Playstation -  Tekken 3, Ace Combat 3, R4 Ridge Racer Type4, Final Fantasy 8 & 9, Gran Turismo 2, Resident Evil 3, Madden NFL 2000/2001, Metal Gear Solid, Vagrant Story, Ape Escape, Wipeout 3, NBA Live 2001 Nintendo64 - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

As of this writing, i don't have much of a list in regards to games on Saturn and N64.Playstation's list was confirmed by Sony themselves (they always use a system analyzer to read the hardware performance based on games) but there are so much more.

Funny thing here is that Virtua Fighter 2, which is a 1995 release, pushed the Saturn to it's limit EARLY in the console's life. The Saturn was released in Japan in 1994 if I'm not mistaken and just a year later, it's limit have been reached.


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