My Way

In Ted Lerner's Asia Times article: ".. The song "My Way" is perhaps the most preferred song
when the drinks start flowing and the karaoke gets turned on. The song is so popular, and
singing it is taken so seriously, that dozens have literally died because of "My Way."
Perhaps someone laughed while a buddy was singing during a drinking spree, or someone didn't
like the way the guy at the other table clapped after he tried to imitate Frank. It's always
a ridiculously stupid reason but, no matter, out comes the fan knife or the pistol and
wham!-it ends in a liquored-up flash, another senseless death due to "My Way." I wondered if
Frank was aware that so many had died because of that song

Frank Sinatra's My Way may be the leading cause of Philippine videoke deaths.
Here's how to avoid getting stabbed as you reach for those high notes:

TIP#1: Avoid the phrase,"And now the end is near."
Studies have shown that this incites neighbors to start plotting your demise.
mumble your way through the line as the bouncing ball cues you to sing the doom-filled
line. Or prepare to face the final curtain.

TIP#2: Whatever you do, never ever turn your back to the crowd. This is an open invitation
for them to start throwing beer bottles at you.

TIP#3: Frank Sinatra had a special quality that enamored him to the ladies.
You are not Frank Sinatra. If you want to avoid getting into a fight,don't wink at the
cocktail waitresses, or worse, at your buddy's girlfriend, or worst at all, at the Mayor's wife.   

TIP#4: Turn the volume down. Please. For all our sakes.


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